Newly appointed Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis attends a hand over ceremony in Athens, January 28, 2015. Greece's finance minister on Wednesday said he plans to meet European counterparts to find a deal between the country and its creditors to replace the current bailout programme, stressing that one could be found without a "duel" with Europe. REUTERS/Marko Djurica (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS) - RTR4NAUV

Newly appointed Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis attends a hand over ceremony in Athens

Chi è Flavio Boffi

27 anni, dottorando in Studi Politici a La Sapienza, laureato in Relazioni Internazionali all'Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Collaboro con East Journal da giugno 2014, dopo aver già scritto per The Post Internazionale e Limes.

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