Tag Archives: folklore

Tajikistan and the eagle dance

Eagle is a bird of prey worshipped in several cultures. It’s present in Greek mythology and among Egyptians hieroglyphics, called Garuda as Vishnu’s horse by Indians and linked to God of thunder by Iroquois; eagle is maybe one of the animals richest of symbolism, in Tajikistan as well. Surrounded by …

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TAGIKISTAN: La danza dell’aquila

L’aquila è un rapace venerato in molte culture. Presente nella mitologia greca e nei geroglifici egiziani, cavalcatura di Vishnu (col nome di Garuda) per gli indiani ed associata al Dio del tuono per gli irochesi; l’aquila è forse tra gli animali più pregni di simbologia, e lo stesso accade in …

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